Safety and Security
The safety and security of our staff, students, and campuses is a top priority. Riverside is dedicated to ensuring that processes and policies are in place to safeguard our children and staff from unexpected catastrophes to the best of our abilities. Riverside teams with professionals such as teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, local first responders, local emergency managers, law enforcement, and school board members to discuss, review, and update district safety plans.
For further information regarding Riverside's Emergency Operations Plan, please reach out to Superintendent Kaczor.

Riverside has Safety, Crisis, and Threat Assessment teams in place to support the safety of students and staff. Teams consist of trained school personnel and outside entities such as local emergency individuals, mental health professionals, and law enforcement agencies.

Riverside has an Emergency Operations Plan that serves as a guide for a variety of weather and safety-related situations. The school, with guidance from local emergency entities, reviews the plan annually and submits to the Nebraska Department of Education.