The Riverside (Cedar site) elementary and high school held their Christmas concert today. Amazing job students and Mrs Hyde.
Tonight’s basketball game at Boyd County: must have a ticket to enter. JV boys begin at 4:30. Girls varsity follow and then boys varsity. Games will run ahead of schedule, so please arrive early. Games will be streamed on
Chargers win 66-13
Chargers up 14-4 after 1!
Tonight’s basketball can be watched at
The Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) is pleased to announce the student recipients of the Fall 2020-21 Nebraska
Chiropractic Physicians Association (NCPA) Academic All-State Awards.
Each year the NSAA and the NCPA recognize students during Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons who are nominated by their
schools for their individual academic excellence, leadership and significant contributions in their NSAA activity.
Congratulations to the following students!
Sadie Baldwin (XC), Michael Bernt (FB), Jeffrey Schmeits (FB), Beau Hawn (PP), Dalton Rankin (PP), Molly Carraher (VB) & Hope Schalk (VB)!
Tonight’s boys basketball game in Bartlett vs CWC begins at 6 PM. The game is varsity only. Concessions will be available. Tickets have been give to the boys and are for household family members and grandparents only. Masks are required and we will sit on the west side of the gym.
Congrats to Ashtyn Heikes and Marissa Langer for earning the opportunity to represent our chapter with the FFA Creed at LDE’s in January. Congrats to everyone who presented today as well.
Our FFA Chapter is having their open house today at 2:45. Please check our YouTube channel to stream the speeches.
Our College Chemistry class is taking "flaming Cheetos" to another level! They are finding out how much energy/calories cheetos have by the change in temperature and mass of what is hanging above the flame! Very cool and great work!
Food sales are in! Your FFA member should be delivering your order soon!
For tonight's basketball game vs. Fullerton we will have one entrance at door #1 (main entrance). The game can be streamed on
To continue to support our NSAA member schools and their efforts to keep kids in school and participating in activities, the NSAA has decided to stay with the Governor’s “Orange Phase” of the Directed Health Measure regarding fan attendance at 25% capacity and 6-foot separation between households through January 4th, 2020. Additionally, schools may allow grandparents of participants to attend contests. Riverside will continue to hand out tickets to each student-athlete to disburse to members of their households as well as their grandparents.
Attached are photos of the Madison Holiday tournament scheduled for December 28 & 29.
Activity Update:
Tuesday December 15: Boys JV vs. Fullerton at 6PM (3 Quarters) Boys Varsity to follow. Game is played in Cedar Rapids. The game will be available on our Youtube Channel.
Thursday December 17: Boys Varsity only vs. CWC at 6PM. Game is played in Bartlett.
Friday December 18: JV Boys vs. Boyd County at 4:30 (3 Quarters)
Girls and Boys Varsity to follow. Game is played in Spencer
Happy Reindeer Games for 2020!!! Each day we have the opportunity to dress up & spread some holiday cheer! Happy last week of 2020! Monday brings PJ day!
Good luck to all of our Charger students who are are participating in the ACT today! Focus, breath and you will do great!
Hello, below is a link to a letter from Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Hyde regarding the Holiday Concert.
Outstanding job and congrats to cast, crew, and directors on “10 Ways to Survive Quarantine”
Tonight our Play Production will present “10 Ways to Survive Quarantine.” It can be watched on our striv channel at 6:30.