Just a Reminder about Lunch:
Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1st, we will be offering FREE grab & go meals in our area, to ANY child 1 to 18 years of age on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This covers all children! The link to the online form is posted below and also located on the home page of our school website www.riversideps.org. If you have questions, please reach out.
Just a reminder that we will have packet pick up and locker cleanout at Riverside buildings starting tomorrow at 9am and goes until 2pm. During that time, the front door will be the entrance site. We are going to adhere to the 10 person limit. Elementary families, we will bring your items to you when you arrive at the front door. High school students, you will need to grab your packet, clean out your school locker and also your gym locker.
We also have trash bags sorted and ready to go to be picked up as well. Please be prepared for those. Lastly, any students who have jerseys or items that belong to the school, please make sure to bring those as well to drop off.
A reminder, we are offering lunch for all children, ages 1 to 18, and you will need to sign up each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The form is located on our website and facebook page.
Thank you and will see you tomorrow.
Beginning Wednesday, April 1st, we will be offering FREE grab & go meals in our area, to ANY child 1 to 18 years of age. This covers all children! The form is attached to this posting. If you have questions, please reach out.
Riverside Challenge Day 9: Get outside and see if you can find something that starts with each letter in your name or your initials. Write it down. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email to Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl
🚨1000 Yard Guy’s 2020 All State🚨
Congratulations to Tredyn Prososki for earning 2nd team honors.
🚨Lincoln Journal Star All State🚨
Congratulations go out to the following student athletes who earned All State Honors:
Tredyn Prososki was 1st team and Michael Brent was honorable mention. This was well deserved and great job to both!
Alpha Media Radio wants to offer all seniors a special place of recognition on the HALL OF FAME page on their MyCentralNebraska.com website. Any parent/guardian can go to their website & fill out the info! Big thanks to them from RPS!!!
Starting April 1st (Wednesday), we are offering a grab and go lunch system. Breakfast may also be ordered for the next day to be included in the bag. Lunch accounts will be charged according to your family's lunch status.
Riverside buildings will continue to be closed through May 1st. Please read the attached document which provides information regarding the continuation of education and other pertinent information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KtNnfnaVAdRIH13TGsWo-XAnRJc_ndsBpWX4q5CLmV4/edit?usp=sharing
Riverside Challenge Day 7: discuss and make a list of agriculture related careers and jobs in your community. Then think of other Ag related careers. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl.
🚨NSAA Activity Update: 🚨
All NSAA activity practices and competitions are suspended through May 1st. These suspensions may be extended should the conditions warrant.
Riverside Challenge Day 6: Get outside and get some fresh air. See if you notice any plants starting to bloom or animals out and about. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl.
Riverside Challenge Day 5: In honor of National Agriculture Week, we challenge you to make a list of at least 10 Ag products you can find in your house. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl.
Good morning! This message is for all our seniors: a questionnaire was sent out to your email to fill out for the senior spotlights for our local papers. Please fill out the email and send back to Mrs. Dobson. This is due tomorrow! Thank you for your help!
Hi Seniors! I hope you all are well! I haven’t heard from many of you so again please reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or celebrations that you wish to share!
I am following up in regards to scholarships! I wanted to let you all know that as of today, I have turned in the following:
1. Cedar Rapids Knights of Columbus
2. Albion Good Samaritan Education Scholarship
3. Albion Area Arts Council Scholarships
These deadlines are all past due, so if you did not turn them in, there is no need to work on these 3 any longer. If you don’t know if you turned any of these in, please check the “Completed Check List’ pdf document at the top of our Scholarship Google Classroom.
You do have the following 4 scholarships coming up for due dates. And all 4 are due all on the same day!
1. Riverside FFA Scholarship
2. Cedar Valley Foundation Scholarship (2-$250)
3. Riverside Foundation Scholarship (2-$1,000)
4. Boone County Farm Bureau Scholarships ($500)
These are all due on Wednesday April 1 (just over a week away) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Riverside Challenge Day 4: This week is National Agriculture week so we will have some Ag related activities. Design or draw a farm and label the different elements. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl.
Hello, if you still need to fill out the planning survey sent out on Friday click on the link https://forms.gle/H2j8vvLed317LFB67 or go to our webpage. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, the Nebraska State Education Association will offer educational programming for all kids starting Monday, March 23 on News Channel Nebraska. For more information go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LzXwbdy1nlj-stBaXiTPjF7kbmm467ihyI7D7e-U11A/edit?usp=sharing
Hello, we hope you are all well. We are doing some planning and would like your input so please fill out the following survey at https://forms.gle/H2j8vvLed317LFB67
Also, if you have not, please download our school app to stay up-to date.
Riverside Challenge Day 3: Build an indoor fort and read books inside of it. Add your picture to Facebook, Twitter, or email Mrs. Nordhues or Mr. Tejkl.