⚡️ Order of events for the high school track meet at O'Neill High School on Wednesday, April 17th. Go Chargers! ⚡️
This week at RPS!
Schedule of events for Monday's middle school track meet in Albion. Admissions is $5 for adults and $3 for students. Good luck, Chargers!
Billy has been selected to play in the Goldenrod/Crossroads Boys Basketball All-Star Game! The game will be held Friday, May 24th at 8:00 pm at Osceola High School. Congratulations, Billy! 🏀⚡️🏀
Order of events for next week's high school track meet @ Burwell on Friday, April 12th!
Congratulations to senior Ashtyn Heikes who has been selected to play in the Goldenrod/Crossroads Conference All Star Basketball Game! The game will take place on Friday, May 24th @ 6:00 pm at Osceola High School.
Information for upcoming picture days!
🏀 Congrats to these boys basketball players! 🏀
Activities for this week!
Youth 🏐 opportunity taking place this summer!
📆 July 8-10
📍 Riverside Cedar Site Gym
⏰ 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for grades 2-5, cost is $50
⏰ 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for grades 6-8, cost is $60
💰 Checks payable to Riverside Public School
💻 click the "register online only" icon to register: https://chargervb.my.canva.site/youthcamp
Results from yesterday's Conference Music at St. Ed! Congratulations to our students and director, Mrs. Plagmann, on such great performances!
Tomorrow's high school track meet at Kearney High School is a GO!
Meet will start at 12:00 PM and is a finals-only format. All field attempts will be allowed three attempts. There will be no discus. Running events should start at 2:00 PM.
Updates regarding tomorrow's high school athletic competitions:
The golf meet at Ravenna has been cancelled.
The track meet at Kearney is still up in the air depending on snow melt and will decided by 7:00 pm tonight and communicated with you. If they have the meet, it will start at 12:00, will be finals only, and field events will be three attempts only.
Preschool registration for the 24-25 school year is open! You can print a Preschool Registration Form from our website or stop into either office and pick one up.
⚡️ We are excited to announce our latest hire! Welcome to the Riverside family, Mrs. Smith! ⚡️
This week at RPS!
⚡️ Results are in from state speech and your Chargers are coming home 4th place in D1! Seven Chargers medaled and two events took home STATE RUNNER-UP! This speech season has been special and we are so proud of all of our speechsters and coaches. You make Riverside proud! ⚡️
Click here to read who made it to finals! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRnHFz-5VORfFYPv1Chbf60smRFXcaceoamTNzjnVKKRxSbxb8F2Q5jcETi7s6Fpre8pNf9GTsAYQSo/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=5000&slide=id.g21772e3ad99_0_8
Awards ceremony will be broadcast on Nebraska Public Media!
Monday's (3/25) high school track meet at Humphrey has been canceled due to weather.
☀️ Gosh, it's a great day for some STATE SPEECH! Rounds begin at 8:30 a.m.
Good luck to all of our speechsters and their coaches! Charger Nation is so proud of you! Now, GO TAKE THAT BACON! 🥓
"Lizzzza Jayyyyne!" --#iykyk